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Stephan Branczyk
Stephan Branczyk

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Writing a Leetcode Android App - Day 2

This post is a continuation of the daily software development journal I've recently started. See my previous entries on day 0 and day 1.

In summary, I'm creating a Leetcode-related Android application and I have a rough idea of what my architecture should be like, but I need to flesh out its design a little bit more before I start coding it.

I also think it's important to show my initial thoughts to others, to see if my design decisions make sense and are both usable and useful, or if my design decisions need to be revised.

A couple of questions for myself:

Will an Android webview be good enough to render each problem statement and related test cases? Will a webview be sufficient for the code as well? How will it handle wrapping or pinch-zooming?

I'll need to perform a few experiments with WebViews on Android before I can go on.

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