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Gravely misunderstood; the Bitcoin story

Stefan Dorresteijn on May 08, 2018

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a...
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Stefan, this is a great write up and a nice hype-free primer. I'm surprised that people don't make a bigger deal out of point #4 (connected to point #3). That's something that has bothered me for a long time:

I look forward to reading your future articles.

sandeepkamboj12 profile image
Sandeep kamboj

Agree with you. You need discuss also on 51% attack . currently Bitman has 45% hash rate of total bitcoin network hash rate.

I think should also talk about Raven coin. Which is based on x16r asic resistance algorithm and also support assets transfer.