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Sanjeevi Subramani
Sanjeevi Subramani

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Azure API Management Advanced policies using C# - II

In this article we can see how to get NamedValue json content and load in JObject and use a LINQ query inside APIM policies for applying IP restriction in policy.

Also refer part-I of this article here.

By following this article from MSDN where we have when conditions and Ip filter policies and advanced C# code inside policy can be done.

First create a Namedvalue inside Api Management under Namedvalues tab:


with key name: IpAllowList value:

"AllowedIps" : ["","","","",""]

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To get the Namedvalue json content inside policy use below code:

<set-variable name="IAllowListNamdval" value="{{IpAllowList}}" />

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To get the subscriptionkey given in the request header or parameter use the below code:

<set-variable name="SubscriptionKeyVar" value="@{ string[] value; string value2;
            if (context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", out value))
            { if(value != null && value.Length > 0)
                    return value[0];
            else if(context.Request.MatchedParameters.TryGetValue("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", out value2))
            { if(value2 != null && value2 != "")
                    return value2;
            return null;
        }" />

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Using the LINQ query to the json array obtained from Namedvalue see below code:

<set-variable name="AlwdIpForUser" value="@{
                    var jsonval = JArray.Parse((string)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<string>("IAllowListNamdval"));
                    var arr = jsonval.Where(m => m["subscriptionKey"].Value<string>() == (string)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<string>("SubscriptionKeyVar")).SelectMany(y => (JArray)y["AllowedIps"]);
                    return arr.Any(t => t.Value<string>() == (string)context.Request.IpAddress); }" />

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Then using the result in blocking the IP with below code:

            <when condition="@(!(bool)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<bool>("AlwdIpForUser"))">
                <ip-filter action="forbid">

"AllowedIps" : ["","","","",""]

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By following above steps, we can filter and block IPs. In the Namedvalue we can have a json content in this structure where user based on subscription key and the corresponding IPs blocking can be applied.

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