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Discussion on: A new use case for git submodules

sroehrl profile image

For people using PHPStorm: by now the IDE handles submodules really nice. If the project allows, I treat every component as it's individual repo. This fundamentally changed my approach for reusability, testing (especially CI) and even deployment. There would be a lot to say about strategy, but what I like about this article is that you grasp the general idea and can then freely think of how you would apply that to your versioning strategy.

rmpato profile image

Hi neoan! Thanks for commenting :)

In my particular case, i'm working with many projects in different languages, so i'm not using a single IDE. Actually, i'm more likely to do changes from the console (vim + some plugins) than opening IDEs since i work with many projects at the same time and it consumes to much ram.

Anyway, PHPStorm is a great IDE.

Hopefully this might give a little bit more knowledge about git submodules and things you can do with them.