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Discussion on: 418 HTTP Status Code: Im a teapot!

sphanley profile image
Sam Hanley (he/him)

Here's one famous case where it wasn't a joke:

ERR! 418 I'm a teapot (this is not a joke) #20791

colebowl avatar
colebowl commented on May 28, 2018

I'm opening this issue because:

  • [x] npm is crashing.
  • [x] npm is producing an incorrect install.
  • [x] npm is doing something I don't understand.
  • [x] npm is producing incorrect or undesirable behavior.

all of the above.

What's going wrong?

This afternoon all servers in our AWS EU-Frankfurt environment started throwing the error regardless of what package we are trying to install

npm ERR! code E418 npm ERR! 418 I'm a teapot: commander@~2.3.0

It then locks up and does not exit the process.

How can the CLI team reproduce the problem?

npm install

There is nothing being written to the npm-debug.log as the process does not do anything

supporting information:

  • npm -v prints: 5.6.0

  • node -v prints: 8.9.0

  • npm config get registry prints:

  • Windows, OS X/macOS, or Linux?: Amazon Linux AMI release 2017.09

  • Network issues:

    • Geographic location where npm was run: AWS - EU
    • [x ] I use a proxy to connect to the npm registry.
    • [x ] I use a proxy to connect to the web.
    • [x ] I use a proxy when downloading Git repos.
    • [ ] I access the npm registry via a VPN
    • [ ] I don't use a proxy, but have limited or unreliable internet access.
  • Container: No container.

The moral of the story is to think carefully about referencing Easter eggs like this in your projects, even in supposedly unreachable code!

felipperegazio profile image
Felippe Regazio

damn... what a mess S: you are totally right about think carefully. you read the comments on this issue and start to get exponentially tense.