DEV Community

Discussion on: What are signs that you should quit your job?

soundstruck profile image
Dina Gathe
  • apathy and mediocrity become accepted norms, things that should be flashing alarms aren't.
  • management frequently sabotages work/deadlines so that there can be no accountability (allowing apathy and low morale to set in)
  • talented people come and go, average/below-average people are the ones with longevity
  • management ignoring or downplaying bad signs (slow/no growth, customer complaints, etc.)
  • when you realize you're living in a Dilbert cartoon ;-P
theminshew profile image
Michael Minshew

Yeeeesssss dilbert cartoon environment == gtho!!!

doug profile image

Yes, I used to have Dilbert comics printed by my desk. After I left I realise I was telling myself subliminally that I was working in an ongoing joke!
Best career decision ever.

lesingedotorg profile image
Dave Whyte

"talented people come and go, average/below-average people are the ones with longevity" - I've had that particular alarm go off a couple of times

soundstruck profile image
Dina Gathe

Yes, it's good to pay attention to what type of behavior actually gets rewarded (hint: it's often NOT what's stated in the official corporate values statement).