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MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

I have built a vanilla JavaScript application that interacts with Node Js and express Js back-end and a MongoDB Database , it uses the Atlas search to suggest for you the best recipes results bases on a search index. Read the Description for more details

Category Submission

Search No More

App Link


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Forkify is a vanilla JavaScript application that interacts with the Forkify API to fetch and display recipe food data. The user can search for a specific recipe and save it to a favorite list via local storage. The user can easily increase or decrease servings as per his need and can view detailed directions. You can add your own recipe to the list, it will be automatically added to your bookmarks.
the search functionality is implemented with MongoDB atlas search to suggest to you the appropriate recipe for you base on a search index on recipes name.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

You can use this project code for learning purposes only


(What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

I am preparing for MongoDB developer path so I decided to practice a little bit what I've learned with this simple app.

How I built it

(How did you utilize MongoDB Atlas? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

For the Front end I have used Vanilla js ** with the **MVC software architecture and OOP principles.

For the back end _Node js with express Js to build the search API
finally as a _database
I have used MongoDB Atlas for managing my database cluster(duplication,Sharding,scalability,hosting,...) and also the embedded full-text Atlas search engine for the search functionality ,it makes the search queries faster and much easier ,because I didn't need to break my head to sync between the search database for example Elastic search and the backend server. and I have used also the Atlas aggregation pipeline to visualize the flow of the data across all pipeline stages

Additional Resources/Info

Don't hesitate to contact me in LinkedIn

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