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Discussion on: Switching up your Spotify experience with microfrontends and Blazor

softwareprogrammer profile image
Matt Parker

Thanks for such a detailed article, however I seem to hit issues and still don't get the full picture.

On attempting to build my blazor pilet in Visual Studio, it always seems to fail for me `The command "npx pilet new aero-shell-ui --base ..\piral~ --target WF1.Authentication" exited with code 1.'

Do pilets have to sit on a certain path relative to the piral instance?

I also can't seem to find much documentation on what a "private" feed would look like for my own pilets being served up from my own API. Does the build of a pilet produce an NPM that is referenced in the feed, or is the index.js referenced in the feed such as I can see in this sample feed -

If you can offer any guidance it is much appreciated

dantederuwe profile image
Dante De Ruwe

Thanks for your comment!

First off, let me mention that questions like these are best asked in the Piral Community Gitter chat. There are a lot of great people there that can answer your questions way better than I can.

I'll at least try to answer your question: the Piral instance and the pilets are completely separate in terms of folder structure. Piral.Blazor.Tools uses the Piral instance that is published to an npm registry as an emulator. So if your Piral Instance is not published, Piral.Blazor.Tools will fail. (You COULD provide the path to your Piral instance tarball in your csproj, but publishing the emulator package would be more reliable)

As for your second question, maybe this can be of use:

softwareprogrammer profile image
Matt Parker

Ah - I hadn't realised that the Piral instance needs to be published. Also, many thanks for the link to Glitter as I was unaware of that too.

Appreciate your help :)

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dantederuwe profile image
Dante De Ruwe

You're very welcome! :)