DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 of the best VS Code themes compared - an opinionated review

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

I love ayu theme!


Check out my dotfiles to have the exact same setup.

GitHub logo sobolevn / dotfiles

dotfiles for the developer happiness: macos, zsh, brew, vscode, python, node, elixir

sobolevn's dotfiles

sobolevn's dotfiles

Here are some articles I wrote about my environment:


What's in there?

  • all my brew dependencies including: applications, fonts, etc. See Brewfile
  • all my macOS configuration. See macos
  • all my shell configuration including my own sobole theme. See shell/ and config/zshrc
  • all my vscode configuration. See vscode/


We are using dotbot to set things up. Steps:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd into dotfiles/ folder
  3. Run: ./install


I am using both hyper and default Terminal App as terminal emulators I am using zsh with oh-my-zsh as a main shell And zplug to manage shell plugins I also have a lot of tools to make my working experience better.

I mainly work with three stacks:

  • python
  • node + vue + typescript
  • elixir

So, they are configured nice and smoothly You will have configured…

mjmacheli profile image

hi, I hope you're doing well
I have been struggling to setup your zsh theme to be white.. and it seems to be abt the light theme for terminal out there, as per the docs, it it supposed to be light by default but that is not the case with me.. please help if you have time, I use Mac BigSur