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Smit Patel
Smit Patel

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Why is NodeJS a Natural Fit For IoT Applications?

One of the most popular technologies today is NodeJS. When Ryan Dahl had the notion to use JavaScript as a backend language on web servers, it was first released in 2011. It was a brilliant idea that spawned numerous tech stacks and enabled many developers to advance their technological knowledge.

What is IoT?

We have multiple electric and electronic objects around us which are thought to be dumb in nature. Such machines cannot do anything on their own, and they need a clear set of instructions from a manual operator. This system takes time, and it is also not a scalable solution.

Why is NodeJS a Natural Fit For IoT Applications?

Exceptional Performance

IoT platforms require a language that works at near real-time speed so that decisions can be taken from processed data and instructions can be executed without any delays. NodeJS provides one of the best performances in today’s time. It is based on the chrome Javascript V8 engine, which is, in turn, built using C++, and this makes it extremely fast.

Memory Efficient

NodeJS is a memory-efficient technology. Due to this, it occupies less memory and serves requests in a much better way than other technologies. NodeJS apps do not require high-specification servers and memory devices because of their excellent execution speeds and optimized code.


IoT is not used as much as it should be, and if a business is using it today, there is a high possibility that it needs to scale. When businesses set up an IoT network today, they do it for testing purposes with a small network of few devices, but when the test is successful, things change. The network and IoT apps may perform exceptionally well when they are first tested and finalized, but they can lag as the number of devices increases.

Node Package Manager

The Node Package Manager is one of the main reasons why NodeJS is an excellent choice for IoT applications. Millions of libraries and modules are available in NPM, one of the biggest code repositories in the world, and they may be utilized directly in IoT programs.

These should be plenty to get you started using NodeJS for your IoT apps as we have now seen a number of reasons why it is a perfect fit. Give NodeJS a try when creating your next IoT application, and you'll discover many more benefits besides those we've just covered. Read the full article to get complete information related to their experience.

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