DEV Community

4 Actionable Tips To Immediately Improve Your UI Shadow Design (Design File & Code Included)

Matthew Collison on August 07, 2019

If you want to browse / duplicate the design or see the CodePen, check the bottom of the post Our recent Instagram poll & DM’s regarding how d...
markjohnson303 profile image
Mark Johnson 👔

Inner shadow on the profile picture was a really nice touch!

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Glad you thought so! It's also just super practical since user generated content always has the potential to blend in, so creating some form of boundary helps mitigate this.

garrett profile image
Garrett / G66

This is super helpful! Thank you

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Glad you found it helpful Garrett! Thanks for watching (or reading!?) :D

ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

That inner shadow does what I've always wanted to do, but didn't think to do with an inner shadow - thanks!

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

No problem Ryan, glad we found the solution for you! :D

ajayadav09 profile image

Thank you for giving a real world analogy, makes it very easy to understand. Looking forward to learn more.