DEV Community

Discussion on: What font do you use in your editor of choice?

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Mike Lockhart • Edited
'Cascadia Code', 'Fira Code', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace
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The most important thing for a coding font is that it has clear distinctions between these: Q@O01lI|`'~"*#H+t.,:;daog8&5S$. Here is Cascadia Code:

I used to use Anonymous/SourceCode Pro but I've fallen in love with those ligatures. Especially on iTerm2(mac) and Windows Terminal.

I like the dotted-0 in Cascadia, and that it's hinted for the screen, and has nice wide ()[]{} which make them easy to read. Also like that the g and a have simple descender/ascender, and are distinct from o, &, and 8.

As for colours, I like "Shades of Purple" most, it's very well done. But also "Kimbie Dark" and the "Clear Dawn" variants, when I'm feeling nostalgic.