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Discussion on: 10 simple Linux tips which save 50% of my time in the command line

simbo1905 profile image
Simon Massey • Edited

As bash and vi is preinstalled on corporate linux and modern cloud hosts i have “set -o vi” in my profile to practice using vi keybindings day to day. I stick to bash as i cannot install other shells onto production hosts when firefighting outages. Using vi shortcuts in bash I can up arrow or ctrl+r to a line, hit esc to exit edit mode, and use vi keys to jump around and edit the line super fast. Then in an outage I can open configuration files in vi and know how to edited them very fast.

I think thats a good tip for new folks that being a rock star on your laptop using other shells and extensions that aren’t installed in production isn’t a transferable skill to “cattle not pets” cloud infra. Being a rockstar on your own laptop using exotic shells will wow your friends. Being a rockstar on a cloud vm during an outage using ancient tools and an empty profile will wow your team mates and the CTO.

I posted how to install git in bash inside visual studio code on windows which is how i stay sharp and ready to be a commandline ninja when trapped on a mandatory corporate windows laptop for day to day work.

v6 profile image
🦄N B🛡 • Edited

Being a rockstar on a cloud vm during an outage using ancient tools and an empty profile will wow your team mates and the CTO.

I have lived an extreme example of this, when I had to fix a production outage by texting someone Linux commands.