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Seth Phat
Seth Phat

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Laravel: Generate phpDoc properties for your Eloquent models

Hi guys,

We all know that Laravel's Eloquent is using PHP's magic methods (__get & __set) for the columns, accessors, relationships,... and much more.

When the development happens, it hards for us to know which "properties" that we can use for a particular Eloquent models. We have to remember the columns' names, the relationship names,... It is a big pain, IKR?

An alternative that we got - is using the phpDoc block and add the properties, eg:

* @property-read int $id // column
* @property string $name // column
* @property-read Country|null $country // relationship
* ...
class User extends Model
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With this way, it is super IDE-friendly (eg PHPStorm) and increase your productivity a lot.

Butttt, doing the manually work is not so fun, is it? So here am I with the EloquentDocs generator.



Simply hit this to install, dev only:

composer require sethphat/eloquent-docs --dev
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Laravel auto-discovery will automatically do the magic 😉


View properties of your model

php artisan eloquent:phpdoc App\Models\User
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It will show up all the properties (columns, relationships,...) for you to preview, before performing the write

Write properties to your model

php artisan eloquent:phpdoc App\Models\User --write
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It will write the phpDoc block to your model (overwrite if your model already has a phpDoc block)

Optionally, use short class names

php artisan eloquent:phpdoc App\Models\User --short-class
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From * @property-read App\Models\Country|null $country to * @property-read Country|null $country

Next Goals

  • Ability to scan a whole folders and replace the phpDoc blocks automatically.
  • Add more helper/suggestion methods for Eloquent models

Thanks guys, have a great productive works with Laravel!

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