DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I did my master's in software engineering instead of computer science

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edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I disagree. For the most part we desire software that meets all its functional and non-functional requirements. When you turn on the auto-pilot in a plane, you expect it not to fly the plane into the ground. When you activate WPA-2 wireless encryption, you expect your wireless connection to your router to be encrypted.

There is no standard by which functional and non-functional requirements are defined for software. When we say user data should be "secure" we don't have a clear definition of what that means. We also don't have any true way of testing that, other than just waiting for incident reports.

Waiting for issues is also not a good measure since popularity plays a major role here: some products have fewer users to discover issues, some services have less interesting data, thus attracting less attackers.

I agree on the money argument, it's what I said in my article about doomed software quality. Major breaches, failures, and otherwise seem to have no impact on the money flow at the moment. With money as our only metric there is simply no pressure to have what most people would qualify as good quality software.