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Discussion on: Write a script to identify an anagram

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Simon Proctor

So there was a perl6 version of the using this method posted on twitter. But it had a wee bug (it was summing not multiplying the value). Here's the fixed version:

sub ana(*@words) {
    state %primes = 'A'..'Z' Z=> (^Inf).grep(*.is-prime);
    [==]{ [*] %primes{$_.comb} });

I realise any version of Perl can look like line noise so I'll break it done.

Firstly the *@words indicates that all the arguments passed into the function should be put into an Array called @words.

state %primes state variables are defined once and then reused each time the function is called so the first time you call the ana function the primes hash is populated.

(^Inf).grep(*.is-prime) this gives a lazy list of integers from 0 to Infinity (but then only returns those that are prime).

'A'..'Z' gives the Range of characters from A to Z (inclusive).

The Z meta operator applies the infix operator on it's right (in this case the => Pair constructor) to each element in the Positional objeect on it's left and right until one is used up. (That important, don't use a Z operator on a couple of lazy lists... it won't go well).

So that gives us a hash starting { A => 2, B => 3, C => 5 ... and so on. applies the code block inside the map call to each item in @words. Inside the block $_ is assign the current value.

$_.comb splits the word into individual characters and %primes{$_.comb} references each of the characters and gets it's value in the prime array.

[*] and [==] are cases of applying the [] meta operator to an infix operator. It acts like taking the list on the right and putting the operator between each item.

So for the string "ABC" %primes{$_.comb} returns the list (2 3 5) and then you have [*] (2 3 5) which can be thought of as 2 * 3 * 5 or 30.

The [==] takes our list of products and puts == between them. In this case it makes use of Perl6 operator chaining which allow you to write something like 30 == 30 == 30 or 5 < 10 > 7 in both the cases each individual Boolean check is made and then these are all combined into a sets of AND checks.

Hope that makes sense. Note that this function only works on uppercase strings. It would be easy enough to make it case insensitive and to also add any Unicode characters for accents found in the expected strings.