DEV Community

Discussion on: How are you dealing with quarantine?

samuelfaure profile image
Samuel-Zacharie FAURE • Edited

I'm going to sound like an asshole, but the quarantine was amazing for my wife and I.

Something interesting with the confining is that neurotypical people start to develop ADHD symptoms : lack of motivation, bad time perception and management, permanent frustration... Also, it can be really difficult to get out of your appartment with ADHD, so forcing us to stay inside can be somewhat of a relief.

As an ADHD couple, although we wouldn't rejoice on the problems of others, it felt good - so good we're slightly ashamed of it - to see people struggling in their daily life like we usually do. Those symptoms they tasted for a little while are what we face every day.

ADHD is very unknown in our country (France), the people who know about it still believe it's an american conspiracy to give amphetamines to kids; so it was a good opportunity for us to try and talk about this issue.

Beside, ADHD people shine in times of crisis - because our life is a permanent crisis, we became pretty good at managing them.

helderberto profile image
Helder Burato Berto

It's a different perception and it's nice, I really appreciate to know the other perception of people! Considering that each person is a unique being and faces situations in different ways.

I really want this phase make people think about the impact of problems like anxiety, depression in our world, and give the emphaty for the people who faces this.