DEV Community

Discussion on: Advice on training junior developers

ryhilaebrahim profile image

Hi Lynne,
Speaking from a junior developers point of view since I am one. I would say be prepared for lots of questions and sometimes blank stares.Being a junior developer and asking questions can sometimes be quite scary and intimidating.
 So what I have found useful with the mentor on my current project is that has soon as I ask him a question he's like sure not a problem but I will be asking you questions in return.
 So the process of his mentoring is for every question I ask he will answer it with another question which really worked for me reason being it help me to think a little out of the box and instead of giving me the answer he guides me towards it .
This way proves to be more effective because he does not just spew out the answer,
 he makes me re-think and analyse the problem at hand and if that fails a good session of pair programming is quite beneficial because your mentee then see's the missing pieces by discussing as well as sharing ideas and thought processes.
 Another really awesome thing that actually works for me is before my mentor can leave my desk he just asks one last question and that question is What did you learn? This question is a great way for the mentee to  reflect on what they have learnt by summarising it in their own terms.

This just my point of view.I hope it helps.

lynnewritescode profile image
Lynne Finnigan

Thanks Ryhila, that's very helpful :)