DEV Community

Discussion on: Components are Pure Overhead

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Ryan Carniato

I've definitely said for the longest time Framework UI Components aren't the same Web Components. Different goals etc. Interopt goals of Web Components are also different than the re-usability goals. I actually wrote a whole article on this that I haven't published as of yet.

Web components are a wonderful widget platform, but I'm not convinced anything beyond the most basic are great application building blocks. I was talking with Justin from Lit a few months back when we looking at the potential of using the Declarative Shadow DOM at eBay and the one thing that was clear at least from his perspective is that for Web Components to work across environments you will be relying on libraries/frameworks. There are always going to be gaps in the standards. We end up replacing one type of framework with another.

On one hand, I don't think these things need to be at odds with each other as the framework can live inside the component. On the other hand when you hear people like Rich Harris talk about Web Components (and I am generally in agreement), when compared to the power he has to optimize and orchestrate with Svelte especially around things like animations there are clear tradeoffs. Not everyone needs this sort of orchestration but SPAs exist for a reason.

There are places where this interopt is key and there are others where optimized single experience trumps. It's where they meet that is interesting I think.