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Cover image for Context Menu Malware Scanner using Python
Rutuj Runwal
Rutuj Runwal

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Context Menu Malware Scanner using Python

What is this?

Windows Context Menu Scanner[WCMS] helps you scan suspicious files for malware with just a right-click.The scanner is integrated right into the Windows Context Menu so you can Scan the file quickly.

How it Works?

Currently the scanner uses virustotal API to identify malware.When you right-click to Scan a file a lot is going on under the hood.The flowchart shown below puts it in simple words.

How will it be helpful?

Anti-virus softwares are great but at the same time are complicated to use and they hog a lot of memory.An average user wants something faster and lighter.WCMS is capable of scanning many file types without slowing you down.Just right-click and the results appear instantly.

Is that it?

No, I am currently working on this project and there will be several improvements[For Suggestions and Contributions: Linkedin ].Here are some of my plans:
Future Development

  • Adding Signatureless Offline Detection.
  • Using Datasets to Predict Samples
  • Adding better offline Analysis techniques: Techniques
  • Building realtime predictions about files using machine learning
  • A kind of "Heuristic analysis" that checks executable for size modification using earlier saved data[In form of TXT maybe]

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Source code can be viewed at Github
Let's Connect: Linkedin
Thank you guys 😇

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