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Discussion on: Secret Message

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo • Edited

Nice! Thanks for sharing. :) Have you seen the built-in Counter class? This seems like a perfect use-case for it.

from collections import Counter

blob = "..."
letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_"

def message(letters, blob):
    hist = Counter(blob)    # Counter takes any iterable and makes
                            # a histogram of its items!

    sorted_letters = ''.join(x[0] for x in hist.most_common())
    return sorted_letters.split('_')[0]

print(message(letters, blob))
edh_developer profile image

I wondered if I could do better performance-wise, based on knowledge of the problem that the more general built-in classes couldn't take advantage of. Ended up with this:

import string


def decode(msg):
    # Testing suggests this is a little faster than using defaultdict
    charCountHash = {}.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase,0)
    charCountHash['_'] = 0

    for ch in msg:
        charCountHash[ch] += 1

    c = charCountHash['_']
    resultHash = {charCountHash[k]: k for k in charCountHash.keys() \
        if charCountHash[k] > c }

    return ''.join( [ resultHash[index] for index in \
        sorted(resultHash.keys(), reverse=True) ] )


Testing both implementations a few times suggests this way is faster, but only 1% or so.

Might try this in go, just for the practice...

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rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Nice! I haven't used fromkeys before. That's a nice alternative to defaultdict (and you don't have to import anything!) if you already know the keys you need.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Bonus! On my machine, this version is even 5 times faster than the best Ruby version!

cat | python -m timeit
100000000 loops, best of 3: 0.00844 usec per loop
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imox2 profile image

This is great. Will use counter effectively. Thanks for showing me counter(). :-)