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AR vs MR vs VR: Intuitive Guide to Immersive Technologies and Tips on How to Secure AR Environments

AR vs MR vs VR

AR vs MR vs VR – same devices, different market value.

Augmented reality and mixed reality have already reached the usability phase thanks to the recent advances in computer vision, sensor fusion, and new-age display technologies. Their business applicability has been proven repeatedly, and now the community has moved on to researching, thoroughly, the security and privacy implications of AR’s adoption (which, turns out, are quite substantial.)

A person wearing a head-mounted device (HMD) captures lots of information about surrounding physical objects and locations and thus exposes, sometimes unwittingly, massive volumes of data to third-party applications that are meant to process the data and deliver relevant outputs. If these apps happen to be corrupted, sensitive (and potentially damaging) info can be leaked and used with malicious intent.

In this post, we shed light on the conceptual differences between the types of immersive technologies (since there’s still a great deal of confusion surrounding augmented reality vs virtual reality comparisons) and discuss how AR’s key security concerns can be addressed through the implementation of the latest protection approaches.

AR vs MR vs VR

The term Virtual Reality refers to software-generated simulations of real experiences. VR completely blocks out a person’s view of the world (typically through an HDM device) and immerses them into an artificial environment.

Augmented Reality, however, is about bringing digital information into a person’s view of the real world. Instead of shutting down reality, it superimposes computer-generated content onto the physical environment so that both can be experienced together.

Mixed Reality has a hybrid definition that blends aspects of both VR and AR. It is essentially an extension of AR that, on top of overlaying information, enables meaningful interaction between synthetic and physical objects to deliver rich, immersive experiences.

Though tech media loves lumping the two together, AR (MR) and VR are two distinct technologies that each have their own path. AR (MR) market is predicted to reach over $149b by 2025, while the global VR market is expected to grow to $33.8b in the same timeframe.

View blog and read more about AR vs MR vs VR. The post appeared first on Outsource Web Development Company Perfectial.

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