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Rohan Faiyaz Khan
Rohan Faiyaz Khan

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Turning your React Component into a Finite State Machine With useReducer

Photo by Stéphane Mingot. This post was originally shared on my blog

Why state machines are relevant to frontend development

A finite state machine is not a new concept in the world of computing or mathematics. It is a mathematical model that be in one a few finite states. Transition to a new state could depend on the previous state and a set of external factors.

This model has become more relevant recently in the field of UI development because we have shifted a lot of the state management to the frontend now. Being a React developer one of the first things I learned was how to manage state inside a component and how to manage global state with Redux. The naive approach I usually used was to have booleans such as isLoading and isError and render my component based on that.

const MyComponent = () => {
   const [state, setState] = useState({ isLoading: false, isError: false })

   const clickHandler = (e) => {
      setState({ isLoading: true })
         .then(() => setState({ isLoading: false }))
         .catch(() => setState({ isError: true, isLoading: false })

   return (
          <button onClick={clickHandler}>Send request</button> 
          { state.isLoading? "Loading" : state.isError ? "There has been an error" : "Success!" }


This is fine for the most part. The code above is very easy to skim through and it is easy to tell what conditions in state is doing what, Problem is though this approach scales horribly. In real life scenarios there are more factors that could change the loading and error states, and there might also be a success or failure state or even an idle state, and state transition may depend on the previous state. What starts innocently as a simple boolean state management system turns into a nightmare plate of spaghetti.

const MyComponent = (props) => {
   const [state, setState] = useState({ 
      isLoading: false, 
      isError: false,
      isSuccess: false,
      isIdle: true

   const clickHandler = (e) => {
      setState({ isLoading: true })
         .then((result) => {
             if(/* some arbritrary condition */){
                setState({ isLoading: false, isIdle: false, isSuccess: true }))
             }else if(/* some other arbitrary condition */){
                setState({ isIdle: false, isSuccess: true }))
         .catch(() => setState({ isSuccess: false, isError: true, isLoading: false })

   return (
          { state.isIdle ? "Click to send request"
                         : state.isLoading ? "Loading" 
                         : state.isError ? "There has been an error" : "Success!" }


I can tell you from personal experience that an example like this is very much possible and an absolute nightmare to deal with. We have so many conditional checks that its very hard to debug exactly what is happening. There is also several bugs, for example, when sending a request we do not set isIdle to false and since that is the first check in the return statement, the loading state never gets shown. These kind of bugs are very hard to spot and fix, and even harder to test.

While there are many ways to fix this component, the method that I prefer is to turn it into a finite state machine. Notice that the states we have are all mutually exclusive, i.e. our component can only exist in one possible state at one time- either idle, success, failure or loading. If we limit ourselves to these possibilities, then we can limit the possible transitions as well.

The state-reducer pattern

The object state pattern is something I have discussed in detail before and is likely familiar with anyone that has used redux. Its a pattern for changing state using an action and the existing state as inputs, Using it, we can limit our states and our actions which limits the number of possibilities we will have to deal with to the below.

const ComponentStates = Object.freeze({
   Idle: "IDLE",
   Loading: "LOADING",
   Success: "SUCCESS",
   Failure: "FAILURE"

const ActionTypes = Object.freeze({
   RequestSent: "REQUEST_SENT",
   RequestSuccess: "REQUEST_SUCCESS",
   RequestFailure: "REQUEST_FAILURE"

This is very helpful for a number of reasons. If we know there are only going to be three possible actions we only have to account for three possible mutations to state. This of course becomes exponentially more complicated if we also account for current state but even so it is better than what we had before. Furthermore we don not have to juggle multiple conditional checks, we only have to keep track of what condition dispatch which actions, and what actions lead to what state change. This in my experience is a far easier mental debt.

function reducer(state, action){
      case ActionTypes.RequestSent:
         return ComponentStates.Loading
      case ActionTypes.RequestSuccess:
         return ComponentStates.Success
      case ActionTypes.RequestFailure:
         return ComponentStates.Failure      
         return ComponentStates.Idle

The useReducer hook

Finally we will use useReducer which is one of the base hooks provided by React. It is basically an extension of useState except that it takes a reducer function and initial state as arguments and returns a dispatch function along with state.

For those unfamiliar with redux, the dispatch function is used to dispatch an action, which includes a type (one of our action types) and an optional payload. The action is then reduced by our reducer function, resulting in a new state. With this knowledge we can complete our state machine.

const MyComponent = (props) => {
   const initialState = ComponentStates.Idle
   const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)

   const clickHandler = (e) => {
      dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.RequestSent })
         .then((result) => {
             if(/* some arbritrary condition */){
                dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.RequestSuccess }) 
         .catch(() => {
             dispatch({ type: ActionTypes,RequestFailed })

   return (
          { state === ComponentStates.Idle ? "Click to send request"
                         : state === ComponentStates.Loading ? "Loading" 
                         : state === ComponentStates.Failure ? "There has been an error" 
                         : "Success!" }


You can implement this however you like

This is simply my solution to a complex problem and your problem domain may not match with mine. However I hope this gives some inspiration as to how you could implement a state management solution yourself. Thank you for reading and I hope this helps!

Oldest comments (4)

joshpitzalis profile image
Josh • Edited

Isn't the whole point of a state machine that you can only fire certain actions in certain states? I don't understand how what you presented is a state machine, you've just implemented useReducer. Please correct me if I am wrong, but unless I have missed something, this has nothing to do with a state machine.

rohanfaiyazkhan profile image
Rohan Faiyaz Khan

Well you are partially correct. There are many different types of state machines and the basic definition that binds all of them is that they have finite states and can only exist in one state at a time. What you are describing is called a Mealy state machine. That is a state machine where next state depends on previous state and external inputs. I have described a state machine which only depends on inputs.

The simplest way to convert it to what you want would be to do a conditional check inside the reducer.

function reducer(state, action){
   if(state === SomeState){

I do not think there is one right way to do this. Accounting for previous state is, as I've mentioned in my post, a possible model but one that adds more complexity.

noahcams profile image
Noah Camara

Thanks for explaining this, it was very informative. I would suggest having someone proofread your articles before posting them for readability's sake as there were a few typos.

gavinthomasvaltech profile image
Gavin Thomas

The redux style guide has a good way of showing how to treat reducers as state machines

"Typically, reducer logic is written by taking the action into account first. When modeling logic with state machines, it's important to take the state into account first. Creating "finite state reducers" for each state helps encapsulate behavior per state:"