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🐍 Best Practices for Flask API Development

πŸ“— Learn how to design and build #REST #APIs with #Python and #Flask following best practices.

Python is my favorite programming language. Its adaptability, readability, and coding speed are unique and make python a powerful choice in various projects, from data science projects to scripting and, of course, APIs.

Python is a popular choice for API development, not only because it is one of the most loved programming languages, but also because of its rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that serve that goal, libraries with immense popularity such as Django, Flask, and FastAPI.

But which framework should you use to build your APIs with Python? It’s 100% up to you, but there are important considerations to keep in mind. After all, some of these frameworks are different, even from the ideology.

  • Django is an all-inclusive framework. It provides tools and modules for handling API requests, serialization, database connections, automatic admin UI generation, and so much more.
  • Flask, on the contrary, is a minimalist framework, it provides only the necessary tools, but it extends its functionality with additional libraries and frameworks. The great part is, you decide exactly what you need for your project, nothing more.
  • FastAPI is a relatively new framework. It makes use of newer python features such as type-hints, concurrency handling (with async), and it’s super fast.

I work a lot with Flask and FastAPI, and I love both. I love the flexibility and adaptability of these frameworks, and for today's article, we will be focusing on Flask.

The following tips and practices are the result of research and more than eight years of experience building and shipping production-grade APIs with Python:

  • Design your API endpoints with proper names and HTTP verbs
  • How to properly structure your application
  • Build your documentation from the code
  • Testing

Let’s get started! πŸš€


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