DEV Community

Discussion on: The Job Interview Battle!

robencom profile image

I am calm :D and I appreciate your opinion.

I was present in many interviews along with HR to ask technical questions. That's all. Our whole team participates in the interview process; sometimes its our team lead and me, sometimes it's the team lead and one or two others.

Although, I had some interview experience from a past job which is not related to IT.

In this world today, we have standards almost for anything. I am just asking for one more standard for job interviews (particularly for IT). That's all what I am asking for. You might be a great interviewer, but certainly others are not. An interview standard would make things much professional for both interviewers and interviewees.

As a developer/interviewee, I really do not know what kind of knowledge I should memorize and carry with me in my head to the interview.