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Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd
Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd

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Capacitor Ionic Vs Cordova

Cordova is a framework that runs JavaScript apps in a WebView which has additional native extensions, it is called hybrid app. From the beginning of Ionic, Apache Cordova has been an integral part of the project. Ionic is based on Cordova and comes with Angular.

Cordova applications use less and more simple code, which iterates faster development and execution. It is profitable for all the business owners because less effort is required to develop an application to work across all mobile platforms

Is capacitor the new Cordova?
Yes, we can say it is a modified version of cordova with some amazing changes and enhancements. Due to some political disputes and dependencies it has become necessary to start a new project called Capacitor.

How Capacitor is different from Cordova?
Both Capacitor and Cordova manage a Web View and provide a structured way of exposing native functionality to your web code. However, Capacitor has a few key differences that require web developers, previously used to Cordova’s approach, to change app development workflows.

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