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Rittwick Bhabak
Rittwick Bhabak

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5. If-then block in JAVA


        boolean isAlien = false;
        if(isAlien == false)
            System.out.println("It is not an alien!");
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Example 2:

            if(isAlien == false){
            System.out.println("It is not an alien!");
            System.out.println("and I'm scared of aliens");
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Example 3:

        int a = 60;
        int b = 70;
        if(a < b && a < 100){
            System.out.println("I am happy");
        if(a>50 || b<30) {
            System.out.println("Logical OR operator");
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Assignment vs Equal to Operator

        boolean isCar = false;
        if( isCar = true ) {
            System.out.println("This is not supposed to happen");
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if( isCar = true ) in this line, isCar = true returns true, similarly isValue=50 returns 50
So, the following code is not a valid code but the above code is valid as if statement accepts true or false

        int newValue = 50;
        if(newValue = 50) {
            System.out.println("This is true");
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