DEV Community

Discussion on: Todo-MVP: Or 'Why You Shouldn't Use A Web Framework' - The Revenge

revskill10 profile image
Truong Hoang Dung • Edited

Very opinionated, biased and low quality of post.

  • You didn't answer well "Why let them call you" is bad ? It's one of the most powerful idea in software engineering.

  • What's the purpose of the demo's source code ? To demonstrate you can re-invent the wheel ?

  • And you put your website on a technical post like this, for marketing inside a technical article ?

This is total crap and non-sense. I hope dev team should remove this post.

quii profile image
Chris James

This is total crap and non-sense. I hope dev team should remove this post.

I suggest you try this report and see how far it gets you. Just because you dont agree with a post does not mean it is "total crap" and should be removed.

revskill10 profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Truong Hoang Dung

It's total crap to me, does it make any sense ?

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quii profile image
Chris James

Try and use your imagination.

Imagine a developer who has lived in the world of frameworks, and lived in the world of building systems from libraries.

Now imagine they weigh up the pros and cons of both and have decided that they prefer not to use frameworks.

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codiiv profile image

Those are NOT devs in the first place!

A developer SHOULD understand the implication at the "vanilla", library and framework level in the first place.

If you took most JAVA, C, C#, PHP,...developers today and told them to code in machine language, they would be like sheep watching tv.

There is a reason we have higher programming languages. Likewise, there are reasons we have libraries. See where am going with this?

renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

Very opinionated

It's certainly an opinion, but 'total crap'???

There's no reason to attack anyone here, this community is meant to be an open place for developers, a place to expose your opinion (with respect, a LOT of respect).

You might disagree with David, but this sort of comment is destructive and must be avoided.

revskill10 profile image
Truong Hoang Dung

Treat this as my opinion. It's the kind of posts i don't want to see on, yours might be different.

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renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

That's a form of censure, not an opinion.

It's completely understandable that you disagree with David, but expecting that he doesn't publish his ideas is not and is against code of conduct:

Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences

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revskill10 profile image
Truong Hoang Dung

Thanks for reminding.
The crap point is not about technical viewpoint, it's about the intention on marketing side on a purely technical article.

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quii profile image
Chris James

Where is the marketing? He's not trying to sell anything

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renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

I believe there's been some misunderstanding here.

The problem is not that you disagree with him, or even think that he's doing something bad to the community (which he isn't).

The thing is that, if he had done something wrong or broken some rule, the ideal course of action would be to a) report abuse; or b) explain what rule is being broken and attempt to mend the problem.

Attacking his ideas and opinions is not the way to achieve a respectful and diverse community