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Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (March 18th edition)

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

Oooh! I have a different project for once. The Python script I use to add titles to my featured images was just made into a pip package. Help make it great!

TheRenegadeCoder / image-titler

An image title generator using The Renegade Coder style

Image Titler

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Adds a title to an image using The Renegade Coder Featured Image style. The style can be defined as the following:

Titles are split in half by the closest space and displayed using two solid red bars with a white text overlay on the upper right portion of the image.

For example:

Hello World in Pascal

How to run

pip install image-titler

image_titler -t title -p ./path_to_image -o ./output