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Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (March 4th edition)

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Jeremy Grifski • Edited

It's been awhile, but I figured I'd drop in. Keep in mind that I've stepped away from the following project recently, but it is still actively maintained:

TheRenegadeCoder / sample-programs

Sample Programs in Every Programming Language

Sample Programs in Every Language

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Welcome to the Sample Programs in Every Language repository! What began as a simple 100 Days of Code challenge has expanded into a fun project Within this repository, you'll find a growing collection of simple programs in just about every programming language to date.

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Originally, I had planned to have an article written for every code snippet in this repository However, in the interest of growing this collection, I removed the pull request merge article requirement As a result, not every code snippet in the repository has an associated article, yet.

Of course, we're adding articles every day, and we're tracking our article progress under the issues tab Feel free to request your favorites from there, and we'll try to move them up the queue. If you can't wait, consider writing the article yourself. Prospective authors can find directions in the contributing doc

If this is your first time seeing this project, let me explain: it's a collection of code snippets in as many programming languages as possible. Currently, we have about 100 languages represented with over 250 code snippets total in the repo. Each code snippet will eventually have its own documentation, so you can understand how it works and why it was written the way it was.

If that sounds interesting, feel free to reach out!