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Discussion on: What is the Symbol in JavaScript?

reegodev profile image
Matteo Rigon

Great reply!
Another thing i'd like to add is that Symbols are useful to avoid accidental overrides when developing a library that can be extended by 3rd party plugins.

Imagine we have the following extensible library:

export default {
  x: 1,
  y: 2,
  usefulMethod() {
    return this.x;
  extend(property, value) {
    Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
  register(plugin) {

And the following 3rd party plugin

export default (MyLib) => {
  MyLib.extend('x', 2);

You can consume it like this

import MyLib from 'mylib'
import MyPlugin from 'myplugin'

MyLib.usefulMethod() // returns 2 instead of 1

As you can see, the plugin replaced the value of x. If we never want that to happen we can protect our keys with Symbols:

const _x = Symbol('x')
const _y = Symbol('y')

export default {
  [_x]: 1,
  [_y]: 2,
  usefulMethod() {
    return this[_x];
  extend(property, value) {
    Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
  register(plugin) {

Now the properties we don't want to get modified are safe while the whole object can be extended at will.