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Discussion on: How to deploy a Smart Contract to the Testnet

rebiacom profile image
Leonardo Mocaiber

Hi, When I try run the compile I'm receiver a error:
"Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file:

  • Invalid account: #0 for network: rinkeby - private key too short, expected 32 bytes To learn more about Hardhat's configuration, please go to" Like the url rinkeby dont exist and when I'm try open the rinkeby url return 404. Any tips that can help me out? Thanks, congratulations great article.
mattheweller profile image
Matthew Eller

NGL, I ran into this issue and it took me a few minutes to realize that I was calling the run scripts from the wrong directory...

emanuelferreira profile image
Emanuel Ferreira

Hey, are you using the correct private key of your wallet? it's not your address, but your private key

gitatron profile image
Gitatron Maximus

I had the error like this:

Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file:

  • Invalid account: #1 for network: sepolia - private key too long, expected 32 bytes To learn more about Hardhat's configuration, please go to

//Turns out I put a space after the comma when I was listing the accounts. I took the space out and the error resolved.

theantipioneer profile image

Save the private key in full with 0x prefix as an environment variable and then pass it in with the method .toString().
