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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 7: Amplification Circuit

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Rebecca Skinner

Here's my part 2 solution in #haskell. I ended up needing to do some substantial refactoring from my previous solution that I'd used for day 5 as well as part 1. My original version attempting to go for performance by using mutable vectors to store the program state, ostensibly allowing for more performant seeks and writes to the program state. I started to extend this approach using IORefs to program state and some other clever trickery. Although I managed to get constant memory utilization, the performance was so bad the program never actually finished running.

After profiling didn't help enough, and I verified that there was nothing unsound about my algorithm, I decided to start from the ground up with the simplest solution and went back to a pure implementation using record updates to manage all of the changes to start, and manually sending IO between the amplifiers. Once again proving that when it comes to optimization I'm never as clever as I think I am, the compiler did it's job and took my naive implementation and gave me a version that finished in a couple hundred milliseconds.

My new version needs some refactoring still, both for readability and ergonomics during future challenges, but here is the version left on my disk from when I finally finished up at 5am:

import qualified Data.IORef          as IO
import qualified Control.Exception   as Exception
import qualified Control.Monad       as Monad
import qualified Data.List           as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict     as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe          as Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector         as Vec
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MVec
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe    as Unsafe
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap

data OpState = OpState
  { vmState           :: IntMap.IntMap Int
  , vmOutputs         :: Maybe Int
  , vmFramePtr        :: Maybe Int
  , vmInput           :: Maybe Int
  , vmBlocked         :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

data AccessMode = Position
                | Immediate deriving (Eq, Show)

parseAccessMode :: Char -> AccessMode
parseAccessMode c =
  case c of
    '0' -> Position
    '1' -> Immediate

data Op = Add
        | Mult
        | Exit
        | Input
        | Output
        | JumpTrue
        | JumpFalse
        | StoreLT
        | StoreEq
        deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

data Instruction = Instruction
  { _instrOp           :: Op
  , _instrArity        :: Int
  , _instrOperandModes :: [AccessMode]
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

parseInstruction :: Int -> Instruction
parseInstruction !instr =
  let [a,b,c,d,e] = take 5 $ (reverse $ show instr) <> repeat '0'
      operModes = map parseAccessMode [c,d,e]
      mkInstr op arity = Instruction { _instrOp = op, _instrArity = arity, _instrOperandModes = operModes }
  in case [b,a] of
       "99" -> mkInstr Exit 0
       "01" -> mkInstr Add 3
       "02" -> mkInstr Mult 3
       "03" -> mkInstr Input 1
       "04" -> mkInstr Output 1
       "05" -> mkInstr JumpTrue 2
       "06" -> mkInstr JumpFalse 2
       "07" -> mkInstr StoreLT 3
       "08" -> mkInstr StoreEq 3
       e    -> error $ "unexpected instruction: " <> e

readLoc :: IntMap.IntMap Int -> AccessMode -> Int -> Int
readLoc vec mode idx = do
  case mode of
    Immediate -> vec IntMap.! idx
    Position  -> vec IntMap.! (vec IntMap.! idx)

writeLoc :: IntMap.IntMap Int -> AccessMode -> Int -> Int ->  IntMap.IntMap Int
writeLoc vec mode idx val =
  case mode of
    Immediate -> IntMap.insert idx val vec
    Position  -> IntMap.insert (vec IntMap.! idx) val vec

step :: OpState -> OpState
step opState@(OpState _ _ Nothing _ _) = opState
step opState = do
    (Just framePtr) = vmFramePtr opState
    binOp :: (Int -> Int -> Int)
          -> IntMap.IntMap Int
          -> (AccessMode, AccessMode, AccessMode)
          -> IntMap.IntMap Int
    binOp f v (mode1, mode2, mode3) =
        let in1 = readLoc v mode1 (framePtr + 1)
            in2 = readLoc v mode2 (framePtr + 2)
        in writeLoc v mode3 (framePtr + 3) (f in1 in2)

    handleInstruction :: Instruction -> OpState
    handleInstruction instruction@Instruction{..} =
      case _instrOp of
        Exit  -> opState{vmFramePtr = Nothing}
        Add   ->
            st = binOp (+) (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0,_instrOperandModes !! 1,_instrOperandModes !! 2)
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 4), vmState = st}
        Mult  ->
            st = binOp (*) (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0,_instrOperandModes !! 1,_instrOperandModes !! 2)
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 4), vmState = st}
        Input ->
          case vmInput opState of
            Nothing ->
              opState{vmBlocked = True}
            Just input ->
              let st = writeLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1) input
              in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 2), vmInput = Nothing, vmBlocked = False, vmState = st}
        Output ->
          let outputVal = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1)
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 2), vmOutputs = Just outputVal}
        JumpTrue ->
            test      = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1)
            framePtr' = if test == 0
                        then framePtr + 3
                        else readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 1) (framePtr + 2)
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just framePtr'}
        JumpFalse ->
            test      = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1)
            framePtr' = if test /= 0
                        then framePtr + 3
                        else readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 1) (framePtr + 2)
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just framePtr'}
        StoreLT ->
            a = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1)
            b = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 1) (framePtr + 2)
            outputVal = if a < b then 1 else 0
            st = writeLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 2) (framePtr + 3) outputVal
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 4), vmState = st}
        StoreEq ->
            a = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 0) (framePtr + 1)
            b = readLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 1) (framePtr + 2)
            outputVal = if a == b then 1 else 0
            st = writeLoc (vmState opState) (_instrOperandModes !! 2) (framePtr + 3) outputVal
          in opState{vmFramePtr = Just (framePtr + 4), vmState = st}

    opCode = (vmState opState) IntMap.! framePtr
    parsed = parseInstruction opCode
    in handleInstruction parsed

toVec :: [Int] -> IntMap.IntMap Int
toVec prog = IntMap.fromList $ zip [0..] prog

runAmps :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] -> OpState
runAmps prog initialInput ampVals = do
    newState :: [Int] -> Int -> OpState
    newState program initialInput =
      runUntilBlocked $ OpState { vmState = toVec program
                   , vmOutputs = Nothing
                   , vmFramePtr = Just 0
                   , vmInput = Just initialInput
                   , vmBlocked = False

    runUntilBlocked :: OpState -> OpState
    runUntilBlocked st =
      let st' = step st
      in if (vmBlocked st' || Nothing == (vmFramePtr st'))
         then st'
         else runUntilBlocked st'

    transferIO :: OpState -> OpState -> OpState
    transferIO oldSt newSt =
      let (Just o) = vmOutputs oldSt
      in newSt { vmInput = Just o }

    ampStep :: [OpState] -> Int -> [OpState]
    ampStep (a:rest) !n =
        a' = runUntilBlocked $ a{vmInput = Just n}
      in reverse $ List.foldl' go [a'] rest
        go :: [OpState] -> OpState -> [OpState]
        go st@(prev:_) !next =
          (runUntilBlocked $ transferIO prev next) : st

    loop amps n =
        stepState = ampStep amps n
        nextInput = (Maybe.fromJust . vmOutputs . last $ stepState)
        case (vmFramePtr . last $ stepState) of
          Nothing -> stepState
          _ -> loop stepState nextInput

    amplifiers = map (newState prog) ampVals
    in last $ loop amplifiers 0

part2' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
part2' prog args =
  let OpState{..} = runAmps prog 0 args
  in (Maybe.fromJust vmOutputs)

part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 prog =
  maximum . map (part2' prog) $ List.permutations [5..9]