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5 simple mistakes that won’t get you the dev job this year on September 01, 2019

As the owner of a small software business, I’m at the point in my career where I need a junior web developer. There’s a lot of dev work ...
testingtheeventhorizon profile image

Another one that I notice with my dev colleagues is to ask questions, be engaged with them during the process. Nothing turns us off more than a candidate that appears to not want to be there. Ask relevant and thoughtful questions.

fcfn profile image
Peter Timoshevsky

Thanks for sharing. Nice to know about the hiring process from the perspective of a small shop.

TBH, most of it can be applied to an interview for any position.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

One I like to do on purpose for linked in is to leave emoji's in my chats. You will soon see no response 🤠

nomangul profile image
Noman Gul

Any opening for Junior ReactJS/React-native Dev?