DEV Community

Discussion on: If/else or just if?

ravavyr profile image

I see a ton of comments on this thread and i read through about half.
I don't see anyone making a case for method A.

I prefer method A because conditionals rarely do just one thing inside them like these comments would have you think.

//one line here
}else if(anotherthing){
//one line here

If this were always the case, then having just if statements after each other is simple and easy to read and maintain.

More often than not it's "//50 lines here" in between the conditions, and if you're not using squigglies (brackets) then your code quickly becomes unreadable. You won't know what conditional you're inside of even with indentation.

And yea, someone's gonna go "You should never have 50 lines inside a conditional!"
Ok, so you'd have a conditional that calls a method that calls another 5 extracted methods in other files right? because THAT solves the problem, when it really just makes your code more convoluted and harder to follow.

Also, does it really hurt so much to just write "else" in front of an if statement? So you always KNOW that this is A. not the only condition, and B. not the last condition either.

In the long term it's never good to minimize your code like that. You always end up with someone going in to add something to the conditional and because they added a second line it now breaks because of a lack of squigglies. The code executes the second line always because it's not "inside" the if statement.

It's just better practice to always wrap things so they're maintainable in the long term.

My 2 cents.