DEV Community

Discussion on: Use Contabo Object Storage with NodeJS

ramprogrammer profile image

Dear Ein,

It was really helpful article for a beginner like me.
I want to share something.

In contabo, we add user from web console. Is it possible to add user from JS running in browser? Apologies if my question is naive.

Thanks for your practical article.

einlinuus profile image

Thanks for your feedback!
I'm not exactly sure if I understand correctly, but maybe this can help?

I'd recommend to not do this from the browser, as you have to send your API token / credentials along with the request and users of your website would be able to steal it and execute whatever action they want.

ramprogrammer profile image

Hey EinLinuus..
that link was very useful.

I wonder how users upload to their object storage buckets without knowing token details on cloud backup websites. they register and start uploading . If I figure it out, I will come back and let you know.
thanks for your time EinLinuus.