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Cover image for Ng-News: Episode 22/29
Rainer Hahnekamp
Rainer Hahnekamp

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Ng-News: Episode 22/29

Angular 14.1

Angular 14.1 was released. A minor version upgrade means that we as developers don't have to change anything, but we get additional features, and there are quite some of them.

For example the CommonModule has now a standalone alternative. This means we can import directives like ngIf, NgFor or pipes like the asyncPipe directly.

Another new feature is the CanMatch RouterGuard. It allows us to assign multiple components to a route and we can define a logic which one of these components should be used.

We got an improvement in the testing area as well. The ComponentRef has a setInput method which sets an @Input property but also triggers the lifecycle hooks. This allows us to test the ngOnChanges hook with comonents that have ChangeDetectionStrategy set to OnPush.

For more information, check out the latest article of the ninja squad's blog.

What’s new in Angular 14.1? | Ninja Squad

Angular 14.1 is out!


Alex Okrushko on Testing

At the Angular Kenya meetup, Alex Okrushko, a member of the NgRx team, gave a talk about testing.

If you want to know why you should include the DOM interaction in your component tests, why you don't have to use the TestBed all the time, or some general tips on how to write quality tests then this talk is definitely for you.

Lightning Talks

There was mini conference with various lightning talks. It was organized by the Angular Community Meetup.

Other Updates

Next to Angular 14.1, we had other minor version releases. Playwright, E2E testing framework, with version 1.24, the old veteran bootstrap to 5.2 and also a with PrimeNg 14 a new major release.

Playwright 1.24:

Bootstrap 5.2.0 | Bootstrap Blog

Bootstrap v5.2.0 is finally stable! We’ve ironed out more bugs, improved more documentation, written new guides and built out new functional environment examples, and so much more! Keep reading for highlights from both beta and stable releases. Docs redesign As previewed in our beta release, the docs have been redesigned! It starts with our new homepage where we have a more complete representation of Bootstrap’s features and an updated design.


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