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Rafat Jamader Meraz
Rafat Jamader Meraz

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How to Organize A Flutter Project

Flutter is a trending mobile framework in nowadays. Small & medium companies are focusing on flutter for it's awesome UI and native performance. We are not going to explain to you about Flutter here. Because the main purpose of this blog is to help you to organize your Flutter project more efficiently.

At first, I am gonna clear you about one thing and that is "There is no rule to organize a flutter project". But as a beginner, you should follow some basic project structure that will help your project more scaleable later. Moreover, you will able to maintain your project easily.

If you are a beginner, then maybe you have already faced some common issues during your medium size projects.

  • Unable to find a specific file
  • Writing a block of codes again and again
  • Mixing up User Interface and back-end code
  • Unlimited local variable
  • App causing of battery drain

So how to resolve these problems? Okay, you have to follow some basic rules for file structure as a beginner. Then You can minimize these problems easily.

Create a good project structure

The first and most important part of organizing your project is to make a good project structure. If you are unable to separate your codes for different segments then you be lost in at a point. So you need to maintain your code hierarchy properly. Let's see an example project code structure.

Core project structure

As you already know that all the codes for the Flutter project which we write in dart are located in lib folder. So let's see the inner package structure for our project one by one.


As you can see that the main.dart file is out of src and we will only write the application codes in this src package. When main.dart will execute as root file we will redirect it to the src\app.dart file which will contain all the MaterialApp/CupertinoApp components.


All the logical parts of the project will be located in this package.

  • blocs: If you are following the BLoC pattern then you can keep your blocs here.
  • models: Models/Pojo classes.
  • services: There are three types of services - api_services, database_services, shared_prefs_services. You will put your specific types of codes in the specific type of service packages.
  • utils: This package contains all the constants files.


We will put our User Interface codes insides our views package.

  • ui: All the User Interface code files.
  • utils: This package contains the reusable widgets files and the constants value files.

There is another important folder which we have to organize and that is assets folder. As we know that there are no pre-defined assets folder in flutter default project hierarchy. We create a new folder as assets and initialize it into pubspec.yaml file. Then you can follow below the structure for your assets folder.

Assets project structure

You can find this project structure in here

GitHub logo RafatMeraz / organize_flutter_project

Project structure for an organized project in Flutter.

Top comments (11)

rsajdok profile image

I prefer folder by feature instead of folder by type or layer

edmorem_gonese_9d28f0c20 profile image
Edmore M Gonese

feature over type for the win.

evgeniydoronin profile image

dude you stole the article

rafatmeraz profile image
Rafat Jamader Meraz

Dude. This blog one was inspired by multiple sources which was easiest version for me that time. You can refer that blog also a reference.

danghoaidanh profile image

There is no assets folder in your github

rafatmeraz profile image
Rafat Jamader Meraz

The assets folder is empty. That's why it's not in Github. You have to create it on your own. You can follow the structure given in the article.

nguyenphutrong profile image
Nguyễn Phú Trọng

You can add the .gitkeep file in an empty folder.

lamia_bintekadir_0b8da8d profile image
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Lamia Binte Kadir

Rafat Meraz
I have a new boyfriend.

lamia_bintekadir_0b8da8d profile image
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Lamia Binte Kadir

Could I ask a question ?
Are you Single ?

nahiduddinahammed profile image
Nahid Uddin Ahammed

Nice Documentation..Go ahead man 🙂

lamia_bintekadir_0b8da8d profile image
Lamia Binte Kadir

How are you ?

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