DEV Community

Discussion on: The "Fake Developer" Conundrum

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Yea, you definitely are NOT alone in that feeling! I noticed it's gotten a lot better for me now that I'm actually working in the field; I've been a professional software developer for about a year now. The first few months of my job felt like "wow, I tricked these people. How are they so blind! I KNOW NOTHING!!!" and some days still feel a bit like that.... but I'm learning to trust my abilities and thankfully I have a good manager that reminds me it's okay to not know everything.

One tip: Find yourself a mentor if you can. Hopefully that will be your manager or a senior developer at your company-to-be, but there are many local and online communities built around mentoring new devs.

Welcome to development! Nobody is perfect here, and anyone who says they is... is a liar. :) Embrace your ignorance and learn everything you can.

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻

"Embrace your ignorance and learn everything you can" is a brilliant quote, thanks for the response/advice 😄.