DEV Community

Omar Khan
Omar Khan

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Welcome to the new site! I redesigned everything and even got a new domain name. The previous version was a Next.js site, and though I was happy with it, I wanted to experiment with something else. This site is pretty basic; no frameworks, minimal external libraries (just stuff that I need for the build process). It's good ol' HTML and CSS. However I did opt for Typescript instead of just going vanilla.

I kind of like this a lot better to be honest. It's more under my control. I don't have to think about SSR and all that because, well...static website.

Actually I just realized that I did use a pretty major library. There's an express server running on Heroku as well, and I also used nodemailer in there to power the contact form. Just like the old Next.js version of this site. Sorry, I exaggerated a little at the beginning.

Anyway, I'll try to actually use the blog this time. In fact, I promise to myself that I will. The old posts from the old website are still up here. They will soon be joined by more thoughts, ideas, and projects.

EDIT (Nov 13, 2022): there's no more contact page and so no more nodemailer. Heroku isn't going to be free anymore and I feel like I learned what I needed to at the time. Email is the way forward :)

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