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Discussion on: Tell me a bug story

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Sanjay Prajapati

I was working on the issue occurred while loading the General Settings Page in E-commerce store built with Spree 3.7 + Rails 5.2.3 + Ruby 2.6

When I was trying to open the General Settings Page it never opens and browser shows its loading. I checked the back-end log and found that it throws the error: FrozenError - can't modify frozen fatal and nothing else.

After googling the error I found that this FrozenError class has been introduced since Ruby 2.5.0. And it swallows the actually errors.

To debug more precisely I have downgraded ruby to 2.4.6 and after this I found that the issue is with wicked_pdf gem. There is a render method redefined in it and it goes into infinite loop. Which means the render method conflicts with other gems. Here is the details :

To resolve the issue, I have downgraded the wicked_pdf version to tag 1.1.0 from latest one.