DEV Community

Discussion on: Avoid getters and setters whenever possible

pocketstealer profile image

I think we are confusing bad practice with the role of getter/setter.

Bad practice is everywhere. But when you are using a getter/setter you expect to give a certain value and get a certain value.

You know you are setting a string. You will get a string. Thats the role of the getter/setter.
You are certain and sure that there will be in no circumstation a null there. Or a number. Always a string.

Using getter/setter for everything is bad as well. Leaving a variable there that is used and can be moddified to contain anything is even worse.

If you use get/set just to "return","$this->alfa = value" that's bad practice.

But a beginner doesn't know when should use it or not. So the one that's easiest to "implement after" it's the cheapest.

Scope of projects change. Agile is here and not always you have time to get all the information/specs or maybe some new information get there with constraints.

Always take the safest/easiest way rather than "smart way but it might blow up later".