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Discussion on: How do you manage your browser bookmarks?

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PixelsPencil • Edited

Hey @fyodor!

Ah bookmarks what a time suck.


  • Store frequent bookmarks in folders in bookmark bar

  • Use a SORT folder in bookmarks bar, take a few bookmarks each day and filter in to cats in raindrop then visit and save link in to todolist and add to my articles to read and add to X day

  • If a bookmark is worth keeping leave it in raindrop in a cat folder and tag it, if not bin it.

  • Any link worth using to make examples from I can build the code and put on github or codepen with the article link in comments.

  • Seems clunky but it's working for me at this present time. Just wish chrome bookmarks was more capable e.g. Raindrop checks for duplicates, broken links and allows for much more powerful management of links I just don't like hoarding links now, it's a time suck so if something I see is worth a read later I use this process, if it is a regular visit I keep in my bookmarks.

I also use onetab to store my current tabs if I need to leave my session suddenly so my current tabs are there for the next session.

I used Workona for this function but it ate my 32gb of memory and I could not have that!

I've tried mostly all of the below solutions and I kinda got stuck in this process of late.

Regular bookmarks for work and tools I use alot are stored in my chrome bookmarks bar in folders.

Then for other ones like in process of reading later I have a sort folder in chrome book marks bar which I then categorise in raindrop and then add a couple of these in to my todolist daily tasks so I read them and eliminate them. If it's worth keeping it stays in raindrop and is categorised and tagged or otherwise it's read, I thank it and I say goodbye.

It's a system that is working for me.

I used to have over 15000 bookmarks but decided to bin them all and start over because if something is meant to be it will come back to me!

So for each # of bookmarks I read through in my to-do for the day I will add same number.

I have a backlog but this works for me.

I am considering pocket again for the commutes but I hate how flat it is.

Ived tried Toby, qlerly, Workona and loads others, there was one that would allow you 24 hours to use the bookmarks and then it would delete them if unread, I think it was more a to-do list than a bookmark manager. I've used loads of others but my current system of chrome, raindrop and todolist is working.

I tried notion and Evernote before but too clunky.

fyodorio profile image

Thanks for taking the time to write that, your approach has a solid ground as I can see 👍
I like your way of incorporating the bookmarking process into a todo-management flow, that's something I want to do in some way too. And also add notes there too. Though my experience shows that Evernote and Notion (especially Notion, can't see why people love it) don't work for that too (in my personal opinion).
I haven't found a solution yet, though I believe this thread will help me to do that.

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I don't think you'll find one tool that will cater for your entire needs but rather a mix of tools and process that suit you - everyone is different but I feel yours and everyone else pain!

BTW my process also works for youtube videos too! :)

I used to aggregate everything then stress about getting through it all at least this way I see counters on my stuff I want to get through and consume :)


