DEV Community

William Olsen
William Olsen

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Hosting a REST API using Impart

After finishing up my REST API class in Impart, I thought I should share how to easily host a REST API using it. Disclaimer: All code in this post is subject to change as I update and rework the library.

First, we need to add Impart to our project. Find out how in the README here:

Next, we will add our using statements:

using Impart;
using Impart.API;
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Now, we can jump to Main() and write the following:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Rest r = new Rest();
    r.OnRequest += OnRequest;
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But wait! What is OnRequest()?

That is the method I made for handling requests:

static void OnRequest(APIEventArgs e, RestContext c)

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The Rest class in Impart is using JSON formatting for responses, so let's use the convenient Json struct to handle response creation. Now, I hear your sighs behind the monitor, but this stays easy - trust me.

In this line, I create a simple JSON document titled 'Impart':

Json j = new Json("Impart", ("Developer", "William Olsen"), ("Current Downloads", 519), ("Current Stars", 8));
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Next, we can respond to the request with the RestContext class.

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Putting it all together:

using Impart;
using Impart.API;

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Rest r = new Rest();
        r.OnRequest += OnRequest;
    static void OnRequest(APIEventArgs e, RestContext c)
        Json j = new Json("Impart", ("Developer", "William Olsen"), ("Current Downloads", 519), ("Current Stars", 8));
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The default port for hosting is 8080, however you can specify a custom one in the constructor of Rest.

Visiting localhost:8080, we are greeted with this:


In short, it worked!

As I continue to rework Impart, I will be adding an easy way to host SOAP APIs and make JSON/XML formatting simpler.

Stay posted to see all new updates to the internet's simplest website/networking library, Impart.

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