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Discussion on: What was your first programming language and why?

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

"As a child I found it fascinating being able make the computer run these simple programs"

I remember my very first program ever... It was in the 80's and I have been studying BASIC only on paper, on hobby electronics magazines (in Italy there was Nuova Elettronica [New Electronics], a very good magazine with lots of very interesting projects and tutorials... I learned a lot from it).

One day I was at a computer exposition and there was this computer available with BASIC on board. I wrote a small program that printed the multiplication table of "2" with just a basic for loop...

I still remember how much I was excited (my heart was running) when I typed "RUN" and saw the multiplication table printed on the screen...

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Seth Corker

That’s so cool, I think that is the power of programming! Making something appear on screen with some simple commands is a great first experience.