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Learn responsive web design in 5 minutes

Per on August 20, 2019

In this article, I'll teach you as many responsive design techniques as I possibly can in five minutes. This obviously isn't enough to learn it pro...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern


I feel like the fact that so much of this didn't exist when I first got into webdev hinders my capacity to reach for the good stuff these days. Stuck in my ways. I feel good for the new crop of devs that gets to grow up with all these options.

thepeoplesbourgeois profile image

It's never too late to learn!

No, seriously. That "old dog new tricks" stuff is all kinds of wrong 😐

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

Great stuff! Responsiveness is so critical in the mobile era, but still so many sites, even for major corporations, are complete trash on mobile...

If I may shamelessly self-promote for a moment, I wrote an article a while back about how CSS Grid's named areas combined with media query breakpoints are an absolute dream for creating responsive layouts:

st411ar profile image
Vitaly Kiselev

Thanks a lot, great and very interesting article! I met its russian translation with the link to this original page, read your original article and signed up here at for posting my first coment :)

Are there a couple of a small typos?

Using media queries to improve the mobile experience

@media (max-width: 768px) {
    .myImage {
        width: 100%

Should class name be myImg instead of myImage?

Responsive typography: rem

@media (max-width: 768px) {
    html {
        font-size: 14px

Font-size already has been defined by 14 pixels for the whole document therefore should it be better to set font-size in the last listing, for example, by 10px for demonstrating purposes?

maneesh8040 profile image
Maneesh Kumar 🇮🇳

This is great article for responsive web pages. Now days all websites are responsive. On adding to that we can also use CSS grid for responsiveness. It has also very nice features for different size screens.

raunakhajela profile image
Raunak Hajela

You have a great skill of teaching things. It would be awesome if you had covered other units but no issues will check on that bootcamp. This is wonderful article, you are unicorn 😃

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Great intro article; thanks. I can never remember the @media query syntax for some reason - so it's always good to read more about it :)

garrett profile image
Garrett / G66

5 min read

Title checks out.

viliamjr profile image

Thank you!!

nipunravisara profile image
Nipun Ravisara


mohit789 profile image
mohit vishwakarma

For the first time I just used the % to make my a landing page responsive in nature, by this post I also learned about rem.
Thanks to per.