DEV Community

Discussion on: Can you describe how you visualize or form mental models around your work?

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Richard Lenkovits • Edited

The Rubber Duck Method!

I came to the realization that if I'm turning inward, and just silently think about structural problems, a lot of times I loose references and get lost. So the solution for this was to explain my problems in words. Loudly.
Think about it: While thinking you often just shuffle around shapeless concepts in your head, often overlooking details. But if you force yourself to articulate your problem, you end up solidifying your concepts as words, and that often leads to a realization.

In the office we call this "The Rubber Duck", because how you do it is you roll to your team members and try to explain them what your problem is. They might be able to help, but most of the time they could have been just rubber ducks, because you end up realizing your solution while explaining, without them saying anything. I'm sure many of you can relate to this.

mxoliver profile image

Yup, I often will grab a co-worker and ask them to just listen to me talk this out and ask any clarifying questions they need, and I do the same for them. Having to articulate it out-loud is so helpful