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Discussion on: Why you should learn TypeScript today

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peerreynders • Edited

Strangely enough it was Vite which significantly lowered the adoption barrier for me (I don't use VS Code).

esbuild's transform is so fast and the "To hell with the TypeScript errors, lets run this code now!" approach means that I don't constantly get stalled having to explain (right now, this very moment) to TypeScript what I'm doing. It's only once I get far enough into the weeds that I switch gears and go into "type linting" mode to shore up the work already done.

I do think there are two significant milestones in TypeScript competence:

  • type consumer
  • type producer

It's fairly easy to get to the "type consumer" level and that's typically all that's required when duct-taping dependencies together to "make a thing".

Maintainers of dependencies however need to aspire to the "type producer" level and that is quite a bit more work because TypeScript has a lot of concepts that other statically typed languages simply don't need (they aren't trying to bridge the gap to a dynamically typed language where it isn't unusual (and sometimes even desirable) for types to morph at run time).

The less you rely on dependencies and the more you are crafting bespoke capabilities, the more you need to push into "type producer" territory.

The one thing I still don't like is the pressure TypeScript places on coding style. Just recently I ended up this the tight ball of code:

async function rootAndRun<T>(
  timeoutMs: number,
  factory: Factory<T>
): Promise<T> {
  let disposeFn: (() => void) | undefined;
  let timeoutId;
  try {
    return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      createRoot((dispose) => {
        disposeFn = dispose;

        timeoutId = setTimeout(function timeout() {
          timeoutId = undefined;
          reject(new Error('Timed out'));
        }, timeoutMs);

        // queueMicrotask/setTimeout allows `setup` to finish
        // before exercising the reactive graph with `run`
        const run = factory(function done(data, err) {
          if (data === undefined) reject(err);
          else resolve(data);
        if (typeof run === 'function') queueMicrotask(run);
  } finally {
    if (disposeFn) {
      disposeFn = undefined;
    if (timeoutId) {
      timeoutId = undefined;
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The JavaScript version was neatly pulled apart into separate functions

async function rootAndRun(timeoutMs, factory) {
  let disposeFn;
  let timeoutId;
  try {
    return await new Promise(executor);
  } finally {
    if (disposeFn) {
      disposeFn = undefined;
    if (timeoutId) {
      timeoutId = undefined;

  // ---
  function executor(resolve, reject) {
    createRoot((dispose) => {
      disposeFn = dispose;
      timeoutId = setTimeout(timeout, timeoutMs);
      // queueMicrotask/setTimeout allows `setup` to finish
      // before exercising the reactive graph with `run`
      const run = factory(done);
      if (typeof run === 'function') queueMicrotask(run);

    // ---
    function timeout() {
      timeoutId = undefined;
      reject(new Error('Timed out'));

    function done(data, err) {
      if (err != undefined) reject(err);
      else resolve(data);
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When I started typing it, TypeScript was constantly complaining how the same T could end up being different types. It's only once I inlined the functions that TypeScript finally "got it".

So when people claim that TypeScript makes refactoring easier they simply mean that it (likely) rings the alarm bells when something doesn't quite line up after you moved some code around.

However I claim that TypeScript doesn't encourage refactoring—in the sense of authoring code that is broken down into easily digestible chunks.

TypeScript's type inference pushes you toward an "inlined" coding style (which I absolutely despise) because inlined code is easier on the type inference. If you want to break things down into sensibly named and sized chunks it penalizes you with a hefty explicit typing tax which most people aren't willing to pay—leading to heavily inlined code which the JavaScript ecosystem already has enough of.