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Discussion on: How do you deal with half-finished projects?

pedro2555 profile image
Pedro Rodrigues • Edited

Different projects have different timelines, personal or not.

Sometimes, when you hit a road block, you simply can't afford to move the block. You must drive around it. Other times you may take your time to move the block and thats ok. You have to understand what makes you money at the end of the day.

That said. Never, ever, delete a piece of code. Even test scripts, have them in a single repo if it helps, but don't delete them. It takes less than 10 seconds to add, commit, and push to a remote git repo. By all means do it.

In short, make it work if you need, make it shine if you can afford it. There are some cases where you can't afford to not make it shine (project size, number of devs, etc).

Leave it public if you can. I've had prolonged times without a job in my life, doing for myself investing previously earned dividends in projects I personally believe. They have failed for various reasons. However, in comming back to the market, all those little projects, and examples scripts, and demo talks, and etc, proved more helpfull than my CV which is itself rather enviable, if I can say so myself. I ended up in a job, I absolutely love, where none of the requirements are actually on my CV.

Those pesky projects will get you a better job quicker than your diploma or CV. This is my personal experience. I don't have a diploma, but I can speak in comparison with colleagues.

I have deleted code in the past. It is probably the only real thing I regret, everything else was a lesson I should have taken; however the code is lost. There is a saying in systems engineering, don't do what you can't undo.

madza profile image

Awesome insight! 🔥 Thanks a lot! 😉