DEV Community

Discussion on: What tools and flows do you use to organize your life

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Patrick Charles-Lundaahl

After experimenting with a ton of apps over the last five+ years, I've settled on Orgzly (android). It's built on org-mode, keeps my data on-device, is open-source, and generally just beats the pants off every other fancy proprietary solution I've found. SyncThing synchronizes it with my computer, though I could use Dropbox if I wanted.

Some of the things I use it for:

  • Todo lists
  • Repeating reminders
  • Idea capture
  • Project ideation (unlimited nesting of notes FTW)
  • Note-taking for things I read
  • Journalling
  • An all-purpose wiki

My next mid-term goal is to gain a decent proficiency with emacs and org-mode on my computer, but even if I wasn't willing to put in the time for that, I'd still use Orgzly.

My flows pretty much all revolve around Orgzly.

For idea capture, I have a shortcut that lets me insert a new note into the appropriate notebook. Every week, I organize the new ideas, then go through and tag any that I want to work on this week. They'll show up on my home screen.

For little tasks I want to get done, same deal. If I want to make sure I do them on a specific date, I just add the scheduled field. On that day (or after), they'll show up on my home screen.

For project ideation, I create a new note in my Projects notebook, and use nesting to define successively more and more granular levels of detail. Sometimes I'll create top-level notes that describe meta, features, links, etc. At any point I can turn any item into a Todo, and it'll show up on my home screen.

I dunno. It's nice and simple, and doesn't need to make HTTP requests every time I load a note or jot down a journal entry. I suppose I might need something more complex if I collaborated more, but since most of my projects are personal, I don't really bother. For the odd collaborative thing I do, I usually just use Google docs, or whatever we decide on as a team.